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  • 菲尔的级联是基于非常深奥的组件组合在一个真正独特的电路。这是典型的音频处理器。菲尔的Cascade是一个神奇的工具箱,它将打开世界创造最有趣的声音风味。





    菲尔的Cascade所用的所有组件都是在我们还是孩子的时候(或者还没有出生的时候)由传奇品牌飞利浦,斯普拉格,Erdmet, Wima和PSW制造的。


    Phil’s Cascade is based on highly esoteric vintage components combined in a truly unique circuitry. It is anything but your typical audio processor. Phil’s Cascade is an amazing toolbox which will open the world for creating the most interesting sound flavors.

    The beauty of this approach is that it did not have to follow any rules at all. Phil’s Cascade uses very interesting NOS (New Old Stock) components which are everything but standard in audio applications, and the novel circuitry is a creative celebration of its own. All in all, this gives you the perfect basis for creating truly wonderful, new and unheard sounds.

    Now you can spice up virtual and natural instruments at ease, transmuting standard sounds with all kinds of gritty, organic and aged flavours. There are no right or wrong settings: Saturation, harmonics, distortion, colouration, filtering, interaction, anything goes, and experimenting is as much encouraged as it is rewarding.

    Like every elysia plugin released so far, Phil‘s Cascade has been modelled on real analogue hardware. However, this one has been exclusively planned, designed and built to become a plugin! Painstaking analysis and modelling of circuit and component behaviors finally made this monster become available for your DAW.

    There can be only one. What a pity, but you can rest assured that the hardware will never go into serial production. Most of the parts are so rare that they would last for just a handful of units, with environmental restrictions forbidding to use them in new products anyway, and the price point for this beast would be pretty demanding as well, to say the least.

    All components used for Phil‘s Cascade were made when we were kids (or not even born yet) by legendary brands like Philips, Sprague, Erdmet, Wima and PSW the very best of New Old Stock.


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