• ※ 正文概述 ※
  • Extract Dialogue是一个插件,可将对话与常见的背景噪声(例如风,沙沙声,交通,嗡嗡声,咔嗒声和爆裂声)分开。该算法实时工作,并且基于深度学习。它已经接受了数千种高质量语音记录和同样广泛的常见噪声源的培训。广泛的培训使人工智能能够自动将对话与噪音区分开,而无需用户交互。这使得Extract:Dialogue非常易于使用-只需将其添加到您的对话总线中,然后使其发挥其魔力即可,延迟大现场无法使用。


    R2R团队| 2021年1月16日| WiN:13.2MB | OSX:39.2MB

    Extract:Dialogue is a plug-in that separates dialogue from common types of background noise such as wind, rustle, traffic, hum, clicks and pops. The algorithm works in real time and is based on deep learning. It has been trained on thousands of high-quality voice recordings and an equally extensive set of common noise sources. The extensive training enables the artificial intelligence to automatically distinguish dialogue from noise without user interaction. This makes Extract:Dialogue extremely easy to use – just add it to your dialogue bus and let it do its magic.

    Even though the noise reduction is fully automatic, the plug-in interface does offer simple controls to adjust the sensitivity of the noise detection and the maximum noise attenuation. The sensitivity can even be adjusted independently in up to three frequency bands. The maximum attenuation control is very handy when you only want to reduce the noise without removing it completely. All the parameters are fully automatable as you would expect.


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