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    Nomad Factory与MoReVoX和Plugivery Distribution联手今天自豪地宣布发布了他们最新的插件80's Spaces。它是一个设计独特的插件,可以捕捉到该时代许多最伟大唱片所听到的空间氛围的精髓。

    80年代的空间是原始的“ 80年代氛围”插件,由Nomad Factory的创始人Nomad Factory的伯尼·托雷利(Bernie Torelli)和Plugivery Distribution的总裁Eric Nolot于3年前发起。

    80's Spaces是Nomad Factory有史以来最新颖,最有创意的插件。它“神奇地”再现了80年代由迈克尔·杰克逊,麦当娜,杜兰·杜兰,Guns N'Roses,《泪之泪》,大卫·鲍伊,Depeche Mode等传奇艺术家使用的典型混响和空间效果单元(今天仍然很昂贵)。 ,U2,Eurythmics,George Michael,Phil Collins,Queen等。

    定义80年代特征性“声音”的所有不同环境都可以通过MoReVoX上的Sabino Cannone创建的数百种微调脉冲响应和预设来加以利用。经典的门式混响,郁郁葱葱的海绵状和清脆的尾巴,矮小的房间和合唱动词都在这里,在用户友好的界面中需要进行最小的调整,包括混合,合唱,衰减,门,滤波器和其他一些参数。






    Nomad Factory in association with MoReVoX and Plugivery Distribution today proudly announce the release of their latest plug-in, 80’s Spaces. It is a uniquely designed plug-in that captures the essence of the spacial ambiance heard on many of the greatest records of the era.

    80’s Spaces is an original “80’s vibe” plug-in that was initiated by Nomad Factory’s founder Bernie Torelli of Nomad Factory and Eric Nolot, President of Plugivery Distribution, 3 years ago.

    80’s Spaces is the most original and creative plug-in ever built by Nomad Factory. It “magically” reproduces the typical reverbs and spaces effect units (that are still expensive today) used in the 80s by legendary artists such as Michael Jackson, Madonna, Duran Duran, Guns N’ Roses, Tears for Fears, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, U2, Eurythmics, George Michael, Phil Collins, Queen and so many others.

    All of the different ambiences that define the characteristic ‘sound’ of the 80’s are ready to be exploited with hundreds of finely tuned impulse responses and presets created by Sabino Cannone at MoReVoX. Classic gated reverbs, the lush cavernous and sweeping tails, short rooms and chorused verbs are all here with minimal adjustments required in a user friendly interface with mix blend, chorus, decay, gate, filter and a few other parameters at hand.

    The “vibe” of the 80’s Spaces is simply perfect!

    “The moment I heard it coming back at me, I knew I was back adding reverb to a Bangles vocal. And the chorus and width functions are perfect additions for this decade!”. David Kahne (Producer – Paul McCartney, Regina Spektor, The Strokes, Ingrid Michaelson…)


    – 380 Presets developed in collaboration with MoReVoX
    – Pre Delay
    – Chorus
    – Width
    – Hi/Low Pass Filters
    – Dry/Wet Control
    – Gate
    – Decay
    – Parameter Display with intelligent Waveform Overview


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