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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    有带有beaucoup频段和特征负载的均衡器,然后再进行均衡处理,精简后的精度使其可以像解剖刀一样进行切割。寻呼Weiss EQ MP。

    通过Softube和Weiss Engineering之间蓬勃发展的合作伙伴关系开发的Weiss EQ MP是为专业级用途而设计的均衡器。基于传奇的Weiss EQ1的最小相位算法,我们设计了EQ MP,用于严格的混音应用,这需要外科EQ和音质超越其他技术。就像备受赞誉的EQ1一样,Weiss EQ MP具有七个频段,可为您提供著名的EQ1透明度和最高的准确性。Weiss EQ MP是具有金色乐队的声波外科医生,可在混音中实现惊人的清晰度。

    There are equalizers with beaucoup bands and loads of features to fiddle with, and then there is equalizing so pared-down-precise that it cuts like a scalpel. Paging Weiss EQ MP.

    Developed through the thriving partnership between Softube and Weiss Engineering, the Weiss EQ MP is an equalizer honed for professional-grade use. Built on the minimum phase algorithm of the legendary Weiss EQ1, we designed EQ MP for exacting mixing applications that necessitate a surgical EQ and sound quality that’s a cut above the rest. With seven bands, just like the acclaimed EQ1, Weiss EQ MP gives you that famous EQ1 transparency coupled with the sharpest accuracy possible. Achieve stunning clarity in your mixes with Weiss EQ MP, the sonic surgeon with the golden bands.


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