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    光泽板 使用开创性的新型时间声学频谱映射技术,再现了七个经典板混响的优美音色。

    Lustrous Plates是具有七种独特模型的丰富而豪华的现代版设计。时间声学频谱映射(TASM)使用专有的多频段动态捕获和分析方法,该方法允许对每个板块的自然衰减进行前所未有的特定于频率的配置文件,然后将其映射到高级混响合成算法中。


    由Fusion-IR支持| 综合,光泽板是具有七个独特模型的丰富而豪华的当代板设计。TASM使用专有的多频段动态捕获和分析方法,可以对音板的自然衰减进行前所未有的频率特定的轮廓分析,然后将其映射到高级混响合成算法中,从而不仅可以实现真实声学板的优美衰减,而且可以实现它还获得了具有经典算法混响参数的好处。

    R2R团队| 2021年1月10日| 165.6兆字节

    Lustrous Plates recreates the beautiful tone of seven classic plate reverbs using the groundbreaking new Temporal Acoustic Spectral Mapping technology.

    Lustrous Plates is a rich and luxurious contemporary plate design with seven distinctive models. Temporal Acoustic Spectral Mapping (TASM) uses a proprietary multi band dynamic capture and analysis method which allows an unprecedented frequency specific profiling of each plate’s natural decay, which is then mapped into an advanced reverb synthesis algorithm.

    This not only reproduces the even diffusion and beautiful spectral decay of real hardware plates, but it also gains the benefit of having classic algorithmic reverb parameters which allow fine tuning in ways that you’ve never been able to with any other plate emulation including precise control of frequency dispersion, width and modulation.

    Powered by Fusion-IR | Synthesis, Lustrous Plates is a rich and luxurious contemporary plate design with seven distinctive models. TASM uses a proprietary multi band dynamic capture and analysis method which allows an unprecedented frequency specific profiling of the plate’s natural decay, which is then mapped into an advanced reverb synthesis algorithm, so that it not only achieves the beautiful decay of real acoustic plates, but it also gains the benefit of having classic algorithmic reverb parameters.


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