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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX




    VTM因其极高的真实性而受到专业工程师的好评,因为磁带的每个方面都经过精心复制。这种真实性源于Slate Digital CTO Fabrice Gabriel多年的深入研究。在音轨和混音上使用VTM,可使混音更温暖,更平滑,更有力,并且更加模拟!


    虚拟磁带机可以准确模拟15 ips和30 ips两种最常见的磁带速度。使用磁带的工程师有时会根据他们录制的材料来选择使用哪种速度,因为两种速度之间的低音响应差异很大。您可以使用“设置”模块中的低音对齐滑块进一步优化低音响应。

    R2R | 01 Jan 2021 | 47.4MB

    Digital recording is now the standard for professional music production, but many engineers and musicians still long for the days of analog recording.

    And they do for good reason – Analog Tape Machines have a SOUND.

    Big, fat, warm, deep, rich and exciting are just some of the terms used to describe what recording onto a piece of magnetic tape sounds like. To those that know, tape is simply more musical. So we modeled two of the most famous tape machines in audio and provide them both along with options like bias, tape speed, tape type, and more in Virtual Tape Machines.

    World-Class Tape Machines For Your DAW
    VTM has been praised by pro engineers for its extreme authenticity, because every aspect of tape is carefully reproduced. This authenticity is due to years of intense study from Slate Digital CTO Fabrice Gabriel. Using VTM on your tracks and mixes will make your mixes warmer, smoother, punchier, and more analog!

    Choose Your Favorite Machines & Tape Stock
    VTM emulates both a 16-track 2-inch tape machine and a 1/2 inch stereo mastering deck. Not only that, you can also choose between the two most popular tape formulations. Different formulations have different properties and headroom, and ultimately will give you different sonic results.

    Control Your Speed
    Virtual Tape Machines accurately emulates the behavior of both of the most common tape speeds of 15 and 30 ips. Engineers who use tape sometimes choose which speed to use based upon the material they’re recording, since the bass response can differ a great deal between the two speeds. You can further refine the bass response using the bass alignment slider in the Settings module.


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