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  • TDR SlickEQ M(母带版)将 SlickEQ 的成熟概念扩展为成熟的立体声均衡器。专为音频母带制作工程师开发,没有做出任何妥协,以提供卓越的音乐灵活性和音频保真度。


    除 HP 和 LP 之外的所有滤波器都在并行 EQ 配置中运行。特别是 EQ 频段包括精心设计的非线性,其灵感来自电感器滤波器技术中发现的有益音乐的副作用。有效的自动增益机制在操作 EQ 时自动补偿感知响度的变化,最后但并非最不重要的是,半智能信号分析选项允许将输入信号的频谱与粉红噪声参考进行匹配;或根据信号的可听带宽自动设置 HP 和 LP 滤波器。

    与 SlickEQ Standard 和 SlickEQ – Gentleman's Edition 一样,多速率处理方案(又名“内部重采样”)与精心设计的信号处理技术相结合,可确保在整个处理过程中保持最高的信号完整性。


    – 注重音乐灵活性的直观用户界面
    – 并行均衡器结构中最先进的音频处理算法
    – 六个全参数均衡器频段提供对立体声宽度和平衡的频谱控制
    – 受电感均衡器技术启发的高级滤波器非线性
    – 强大的 HP 和LP 滤波器。每个都有四个明显的音乐斜率
    – 专用的低频单声道滤波器
    – 可以直接控制亮度、硬度或等响度轮廓的元滤波器
    – 智能操作允许将输入与粉红噪声分布或自定义参考等进行匹配
    – 高效响度补偿自动增益控制
    – 全面的文档、具有撤消/重做功能的工具栏、A/B、高级预设管理等等

    TDR SlickEQ M (Mastering Edition) extends SlickEQ’s proven concept into a fully-fledged stereophonic equalizer. Specifically developed for the audio mastering engineer, no compromises have been made to deliver an exceptional musical flexibility and audio fidelity.

    Behind an intuitive user interface hides as staggering array of possibilities: A set of musical high-pass and low-pass filters including a low frequency “monoization” section offer detailed control over the signal bandwidth. Six powerful parametric filter bands give precise access over tone, timbre and the stereo image, and a sophisticated meta-filter offers direct and intuitive access to the brightness, hardness or equal loudness curve of an audio signal.

    All filters except HP and LP operate in a parallel EQ configuration. The EQ bands in particular include an elaborate nonlinearity inspired by the musically beneficial side effects found in inductor filter technology. An effective auto gain mechanism automatically compensates for changes of perceived loudness while operating the EQ and last but not least, semi-intelligent signal analysis options allow matching the input signal’s spectrum against a pink noise reference; or automatically setting the HP and LP filters according to the signal’s audible bandwidth.

    As with SlickEQ Standard and SlickEQ – Gentleman’s Edition, a multirate processing scheme (a.k.a. “internal resampling”) combined with elaborate signal processing techniques ensure the highest signal integrity is maintained throughout the processing.

    Key specs and features

    – Intuitive user interface with a focus on musical flexibility
    – State of the art audio processing algorithms in a parallel EQ structure
    – Six full parametric EQ bands offer spectral control over stereo width and balance
    – Advanced filter nonlinearities inspired by inductor EQ technology
    – Powerful HP and LP filters. Each with four distinctly musical slopes
    – Dedicated Low frequency mono filter
    – A Meta Filter with direct control over brightness, hardness or equal loudness contours
    – Smart actions allow matching the input against pink-noise distribution or custom references, and more
    – Highly effective loudness compensated auto gain control
    – Expandable EQ display including a realtime spectrum analyzer
    – A comprehensive documentation, toolbar with undo/redo, A/B, advanced preset management and much more


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