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    Team V.R | Dec 05 2019 | 110 MB   

    Auto-Tune Pro is the most complete and advanced edition of Auto-Tune. It includes both Auto Mode, for real-time pitch correction and effects, and Graph Mode, for detailed pitch and time editing.

    For twenty years, Auto-Tune has been the professional standard for pitch correction, and the tool of choice for the most iconic vocal effect in popular music.

    Now, with the introduction of Auto-Tune Pro, it’s more versatile and easy to use than ever before, thanks to a totally redesigned interface and powerful new processing, editing, and navigation features.

    We’ve added automatic key detection with the new Auto-Key plug-in (included with Auto-Tune Pro purchase), Classic Mode for the “Auto-Tune 5 sound,” and real-time MIDI Control.

    Both the Auto Mode and Graph Mode interfaces have been redesigned to offer the most efficient, flexible, and intuitive workflow for professional users and beginners alike.

    Auto-Tune Pro also includes Flex-Tune and Humanize for more transparent and natural-sounding tuning, and Low Latency mode so you can perform in real time without distracting delay.

    It also features Time Correction for non-destructive time editing, as well as Formant Correction, Vibrato Controls, and Throat Length Modeling.

    Whether you want to quickly touch up a few questionable notes or meticulously polish an entire performance, Auto-Tune Pro offers the professional pitch correction and classic effects you’re looking for.




    Auto-Tune Pro是Auto-Tune的最完整和最高级的版本。它包括用于实时音高校正和效果的自动模式,以及用于详细音高和时间编辑的图形模式。


    现在,由于引入了完全重新设计的界面以及强大的新处理,编辑和导航功能,随着Auto-Tune Pro的推出,它比以往任何时候都更加通用和易于使用。

    我们在新的Auto-Key插件(包含在Auto-Tune Pro购买中)中添加了自动键检测功能,“ Auto-Tune 5声音”的经典模式和实时MIDI控制。


    Auto-Tune Pro还包括Flex-Tune和Humanize,以实现更透明和自然的音调,以及Low Latency模式,因此您可以实时执行而不分散延迟。


    无论您是想快速修饰一些有问题的音符还是要精心修饰整个演奏,Auto-Tune Pro都能为您提供专业的音高校正和经典的效果。



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